I am a licensed Marriage and Family Therapist practicing in both North County San Diego and the Temecula area (MFT #106856). I provide individual, couples, teen and family therapy to support the progress and healing of relational issues, anxiety, depression, body image issues, eating disorders, exercise addictions & aversions, trauma and women’s issues including family transitions & planning as well as perinatal care & maternal wellness. I’ve worked with clients from a variety of needs, ages and stages in life. I have sincere compassion and understanding that it’s not easy trusting (a therapist) to walk with you in the most vulnerable areas of one’s lives. It takes not only courage but also trust and I sincerely value that space. To support healing and outcomes of change I work in collaboration with my clients to support their specific needs and to offer hope & growth.
My specialties and focus include: anxiety and depression, women’s and family issues including family planning and perinatal mental health, trauma, eating disorder issues, body image, exercise and food addictions or aversions, life transitions, couple/relational issues, working with teens, children and parenting support.
I’m actively involved with the eating disorder awareness and community and have worked with both women and men who face the challenges that come with struggling with eating issues, body image and exercise issues including addiction, adversity and anxiety. I work collaboratively with a community of dietitians and medical providers to support the highest quality of collaborative support and care in these areas.
I have training in evidence-based approaches that have been shown to be effective including Restoration Therapy, EMDR, CBT, DBT, ACT and Narrative techniques.
I’m certified in Restoration Therapy a licensed Body Positive facilitator, hold my American Fitness Professionals Association Certification as a personal trainer and am an active CAMFT member.
My top priority is to work in collaboration with my client’s needs and experience and I adjust my approach accordingly. My style is holistic and I value one’s own individual story(s) and experience(s).
A little about me…. I studied and received a Bachelor’s in psychology with a minor in dance in my home town at the University of Colorado at Boulder. I later went on to adventure to the beautiful city of San Diego and pursues a Master’s degree from Azusa Pacific University.
Along with being a therapist I am a wife and a new mom. I value quality time with my family and friends, love to explore, travel and have recently acquired a passion for DIY home decor and projects.
I believe that in order for meaningful growth, healing and change to occur, it’s imperative that the client/therapist relationship is secure. I offer a 20 minute complimentary consultation to get to know one another and to identify if I am the best fit for your needs or how I can best direct you to resources needed.